SILK Sustainability Seminar: Professor Ioan Fazey (CECHR, University of Dundee)


Community resilience and climate change: insights from the Joseph Rowntree Funded Scottish Borders Climate Resilient Communities Project

When May 09, 2016
from 01:00 PM to 02:00 PM
Where Studio 2 (room 325), Brahan, Perth College
Contact name


If you would like to attend the seminar in person or VC/Jabber then please send an email to Amy Woolvin and Angela Paterson.

Title: Community resilience and climate change: insights from the Joseph Rowntree Funded Scottish Borders Climate Resilient Communities Project


This presentation will outline an action research project that examines and facilitates resilience in relation to climate change. This project has engaged with three communities in the Scottish Borders to explore actions that increase resilience of those most disadvantaged by climate change. The project is a collaboration between the University of Dundee, the Scottish Borders Council, and others and has used flooding as an entry point to help generate conversations about broader issues of climate change. The presentation will explain the approach undertaken, the actions and engagement that have occurred in the different communities, and some of the key findings in terms of both action and improved understanding of climate change, resilience, change and disadvantage. Finally, the presentation will also reflect on how action research methodologies can more broadly contribute to enhancing practical impacts arising from research. The presentation will be of interest and accessible to a wide academic and practitioner audience with interests in climate change, natural hazards, community participation, and action oriented research methodologies.