
Scientific Tourism (SCITOUR) content

Scientific Tourism (SCITOUR)

Scientific Tourism (SCITOUR)

May 2020 - April 2022


Scientific Tourism (SCITOUR) was a development project aiming at creating a new technology-based tourism concept combining science and tourism.  The project was funded by the Northern Periphery and Arctic Programme 

The main goal of the project was to support and to expand the possibilities for small tourism operators inside the NPA programme region to increase their market reach. The project also explored new innovative ways of carrying science communication to people visiting new destinations. 


The scientific tourism products created through the project are promoted using the brand name 'Wonder Seekers.'


Visit www.wonderseekers.com for more information


SHAPE (Sustainable Heritage Areas: Partnerships for Ecotourism) content

SHAPE (Sustainable Heritage Areas: Partnerships for Ecotourism)

SHAPE (Sustainable Heritage Areas: Partnerships for Ecotourism)

 2017 – 2020

Co-funded by the European Commission's Northern Periphery and Arctic Programme, SHAPE aims to enable authorities, businesses and communities in Sustainable Heritage Areas (biosphere reserves, regional parks, and other protected areas) to develop innovative ecotourism initiatives which preserve local assets and create economic value from them.

Home - SHAPE (shapingecotourism.eu)

SIMRA (Social Innovation in Marginal Rural Areas) content

SIMRA (Social Innovation in Marginal Rural Areas)

SIMRA (Social Innovation in Marginal Rural Areas)

2016 – 2020

EU Horizon 2020 funded project to advance understanding of social innovation and innovative governance in agriculture, forestry and rural development. Focused on marginalised rural areas across Europe, in particular the Mediterranean region (including non-EU countries).

This project examined how to boost social innovation, particularly in marginalised rural areas across Europe, with a focus on the Mediterranean region (including non-EU countries) where there is limited evidence of outcomes and supporting conditions.

Four-year project which included 26 partner organisations from across Europe and the wider Mediterranean region.

SIMRA Social Innovation in Marginalised Rural Areas (simra-h2020.eu)


BRIDGES (Balanced Regional Development in Areas with Geographical Specificities) content

BRIDGES (Balanced Regional Development in Areas with Geographical Specificities)

BRIDGES (Balanced Regional Development in Areas with Geographical Specificities)

2017 – 2018

Commissioned by the European Observation Network for Territorial Development and Cohesion (ESPON), this project aimED to identify and suggest bridges between territories with geographical specificities and other parts of Europe, highlighting their mutual interdependencies.

The ultimate purpose of the project was to elaborate evidence-informed inputs to policies at the European, national and regional levels.  

BRIDGES - Territories with Geographical Specificities | ESPON

Final Report

Community Ownership Mechanisms content

Community Ownership Mechanisms

Community Ownership Mechanisms


Review of the effectiveness of current community ownership mechanisms and of options for supporting the expansion of community ownership in Scotland

In collaboration with SRUC, Random Forest, the Community Woodlands Association and the Development Trusts Association Scotland, this project was commissioned by the Scottish Land Commission to assess the effectiveness of community ownership mechanisms in Scotland.

Land Ownership (Research on interventions to manage land markets and limit the concentration of land ownership elsewhere in the world) content

Land Ownership (Research on interventions to manage land markets and limit the concentration of land ownership elsewhere in the world)

Land Ownership (Research on interventions to manage land markets and limit the concentration of land ownership elsewhere in the world)

2017 – 2018

A project commissioned by the Scottish Land Commission to research international experience of imposing limits on who can own land and/or how much land any single individual or entity can own. The project was completed in collaboration with the University of Aberdeen.

Final report


Wild Deer (Meeting the challenge of wild deer research to support delivery of sustainable deer management in Scotland) content

Wild Deer (Meeting the challenge of wild deer research to support delivery of sustainable deer management in Scotland)

Wild Deer (Meeting the challenge of wild deer research to support delivery of sustainable deer management in Scotland)


In collaboration with SRUC this research was commissioned jointly by Scottish Natural Heritage, Forestry Commission and the Scottish Government to analyse existing wild deer research to help identify specific research and evidence gaps related to sustainable deer management in Scotland.

Meeting the challenge of wild deer research to support delivery of sustainable deer management in Scotland — SRUC, Scotland's Rural College

SNH Commissioned Report 963: Meeting the challenge of wild deer research to support delivery of sustainable deer management in Scotland (nature.scot)