Latest COVID-19 Information


Latest COVID-19 Information

All covid rules and restrictions have been lifted in Scotland, but the virus has not gone away.

Use 'Covid sense' to help protect yourself and others:

  • get your vaccine when offered to ensure you are fully protected
  • stay at home if you’re unwell with symptoms or have a fever
  • open windows when socialising indoors
  • wear a face covering in indoor public places and on public transport
  • wash your hands to protect yourself

Care for yourself and others to help slow down the spread of the virus and reduce pressure on our health services.


Safety Measures on Campus

We continue to recommend good hand hygiene. Alcohol based and non-alcohol hand sanitisers are available in all buildings and we ask staff and students to use these.

Also please remember to ensure that you consider ventilation in the rooms that you are in either with:
- Mechanical ventilation systems in rooms and spaces to be on while room is occupied.
- In rooms with natural ventilation, windows and doors may be closed to ensure sufficient comfort, but should be opened for 10 minutes every hour, or when room is empty to refresh air and improve circulation.

The College is supportive of staff who wish to highlight that they would like more space through the use of the Distance Aware Scheme and badges are available to staff from the HR department and from Student Services for students. Staff are requested to respect this request from staff who wear an item from a distance aware scheme.

Face Coverings/Masks as PPE
Where it has been identified in a risk assessment that a face mask/face covering must be worn as Personal Protective Equipment (PPE), then these will be provided by the College e.g. staff undertaking first aid responsibilities or in practical settings.

Face Coverings in College Vehicles
It is strongly recommended that face coverings continue to be worn in college vehicles including minibuses as a preventative measure.

Lateral Flow Devices are no longer available for asymptomatic testing.

College Buildings
When entering or moving around the building markings on the floor will outline keeping left and where one-way systems are in place.

Sanitising wipes will continue to be provided in classrooms, the college salon and Refectory.

Please also be aware that these rules and regulations may change. We will continue to follow Scottish Government guidance and encourage all students, staff and visitors to keep up-to-date with any changes on our website and social media channels to keep our campus safe for everyone in our community.