Data protection


Publication of graduation list, filming and photography - use of images

Perth College UHI’s graduation ceremony is a significant event for our graduates, their guests and our staff. This ceremony is a public event and therefore there is no expectation of privacy under data protection legislation for any attendees. Our Privacy Notice Graduation document explains how personal data will be processed for and during the event and provides guidance should you not wish your personal data to be processed in this way. This applies to all students who are intending to graduate or may be eligible for an award, whether they attend the ceremony or not. Please read this important information and ensure your invited guests are also aware of the information relevant to them.

Names and awards of graduands (including those graduating in absentia) are published in the press and in the graduation programme. If you object to the publication of your personal data in this way please email no later than 3 weeks prior to the date of the ceremony.

As our ceremony is a public event, Perth College UHI staff will be taking photographs and video footage, which may include graduates and guests, for promotional purposes. A photographer will also be present.

The ceremony will also be filmed and the recording may also be shown online as a live stream for people to view in the future.

Your guests are welcome to take photographs of the ceremony, but should not move around the Hall when doing so.

If you have any queries about data protection you can contact or write to:

Data Protection Officer
Perth College UHI
Crieff Road