Services to Business


The Business Engagement Team has a wide range of business experience across different sectors.

We believe that UHI Perth can be an asset to your business and employees and we wish to work with you to establish and support strategic working relationships that enable us to support you and allow your business to flourish.

We will work in partnership with your business to develop and provide you with a tailored support. By understanding your business, we can plan with you.  Many businesses report to us that they have significant skills gaps or have other problems in recruiting the staff they need to develop and grow.

We understand the need to employ the right people and upskill current staff that enables your business to grow.

At UHI Perth we can design and deliver bespoke training programmes for your sector or business that allows us to develop the talent pool in the region or your own business.

We have access to a range of Government Funding to support delivery dependant on the eligibility of the individual applicants and we work in partnership to identify potential applicants. Programmes can differ in length dependant on the needs of the employer.

At UHI Perth, each academic sector has a curriculum advisory group made up of business partners of specific industries. The purpose of these groups is to ensure the content and delivery of our curriculum meets the needs of our business partners and industry sectors. If you are interested in having input into these industry specific groups we can ensure you are put forward. However, our Business Team and academic colleagues can also work with you to discuss your specific business needs.