Dr Scott Jeffrey


Contact: scott.jeffery.perth@uhi.ac.uk

Research interests

My current research interests draw upon the ideas of cultural theorist Mark Fisher, R.D. Laing and the philosophy of Deleuze and Guattari to analyse the relationship between social class and mental health, in particular the production of subjectivity under conditions of neo-liberal capitalism. I am also working on a project which builds on my last conference paper(s) to explore the shared history of magic and political activism (particularly anarchist movements). Other research interests include posthumanism, transhumanism and comics studies, which formed the basis of my PhD and first book. A flavour of my broad range of interests can be discerned via the body or writings at my blog “nthmind.wordpress.com”. I am also involved in a long-term creative collaboration known as The Fairy-Dog Calendar which combines many of these interests with artistic practices.


  • 2023 ARTICLE:  Trans-States 2022, British Association for the Study of Religions Bulletin, April 2023 (forthcoming)
  • 2020: CHAPTER: Difference, Repetition and the Superhero Comic, in Reynolds, R. and Brasset, J. “Superheroes and Excess: A Philosophical Enquiry” (forthcoming from Routledge)
  • 2019 ARTICLE: Trans-States 2019: 2020 Visions,
  • 2017: ARTICLE: Trans-States: The Art of Crossing Over, British Association for the Study of Religions Bulletin, May, 2017
  • 2016: BOOK: The Posthuman Body in Superhero Comics: Human, Superhuman, Transhuman, Post/Human. Palgrave MacMillan.

Conference papers

  • 2022- Acid Communisms and Anarcho-Mysticisms: Notes towards a History of Re-enchantment as Resistance – September, 2022 Trans-States: The Art of Deception, University of Northampton.
  • 2019- A “Memeplex” or “Just an Inch”?: Competing Visions of Anarchism, Magick and the Self in the Comics of Alan Moore and Grant Morrison - September, 2019 Trans-States: The Art of Revelation,
  • 2016- Tantric Transhumanism: An Esoteric History of Human Enhancement- September, 2016 Trans-States: The Art of Crossing Over, University of Northampton.
  • 2011- The Silver Age Superhero as Psychedelic Shaman- November, 2011 Transitions 2: New Directions in Comics Studies, School of Arts, Birkbeck, University of London
  • 2011- Fans and Fiction Networks: A Rhizomatic Approach To Superhero Comics and Their Readers – July 2011, Joint International Conference of Graphic Novels, Bandes Dessinees and Comics, Manchester Metropolitan University
  • 2011- Producing and Consuming the Posthuman Body in Superhero Narratives- April, 2011 British Sociological Association Annual Conference, London School of Economics.